The Best Star Sign in bed and the Most Toxic!
Astrology really has made a comeback, hasn’t it? I’m not sure anyone would have seen that one coming and yeah,
Series binging on the likes of Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime (and loads more) has become a part of life that everyone partakes in, but no-one feels particularly good about.
It probably is an unhealthy habit and something that there are definitely several scientific studies on, explaining the various negative influences that it has one one's life, but on the other hand, it's fun and sometimes you just want to do it.
I suppose the word "binge" is never really associated with anything that's typically seen as beneficial.
Anyway, obviously series binging is a big part of university life and obviously we here at Dig In wanted to know a little more about all of your binging habits. With that, we asked a number of questions about films and TV shows and whatnot, but today we're focusing on what people - on the whole - binge the most.
And, well, here's the results of that little question...
On the whole, I would say that comedy is probably my favourite genre, but I wouldn't say that it's the genre that I binge the most. However, now that I'm saying this out loud/writing it on a page, I'm starting to doubt myself again. For new content, I tend to watch sci-fis or dramas or something like that, but if I'm looking to relax with old, cosy stuff I've seen before, then yeah I'll return to the likes of Community, Black Books and other such stuff.
Alfie Powell
Astrology really has made a comeback, hasn’t it? I’m not sure anyone would have seen that one coming and yeah,
Comedy come out on top and it wasn't even close!
It's a big if, but if superpowers were real, most students would keep their identities secret